Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Meaning of Life

Alright so let's get straight to business.
The meaning of life is the most controversial and discussed topics in the world...i think but anyways I'm gonna give you my opinion.
However much I would love to believe that the answer to life the universe and everything is really 42 its not.
I'm a christian, Baptist to be exact(and yes that's important especially when answering this question), and I believe that there is a reason for each person to be alive they live to accomplish something whether good or bad and this is all part of the future which God created for us.
That didn't answer the question exactly though so let me go into a little bit more detail. The meaning of life as a general term is to worship God and basically respect him for giving us this world we live on and free will to do with it what we please, although most people these days don't come anywhere close to doing this. Those people don't have a meaning in their life, but again there is a reason they are like that and it will all come together in the end.
Again this is all opinion of a Baptist, but hopefully that sheds some light on the situation and gives you something to think about.
Thank you to my disciple who suggested I do a post on this keep on following and enjoy your lives.
The pirate who dropped the pickle

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